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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Mobile app

What is the mobile app used for?

Mobile app is used to receive alerts in your mobile device when you receive new messages at manamahal.com.

Mobile app is also used to make payments for manamahal.com subscription.

What should I do to receive mobile alerts?

You need to install our app in your mobile device, log in at least once, and keep your device connected to the Internet all the time.

When will and will not I receive mobile alerts?

You will receive mobile alerts even if your device is locked or when you are using other apps. But, you will not receive alerts when you are using our app. You may simply check for new messages from the home screen icons when you are using the app.

You need to be a paid member to receive mobile alerts for proposal messages. But, alerts for customer service reply is available to all.

Where can I get the mobile app?

Mobile app will be available soon.